Saturday, September 13, 2014

Our Kitchen!

This week was a long & somewhat lonely one for me for two main reasons: Jake went back to work at his two jobs--delivering items for a furniture store and working several nights a week at a local pizza place, plus I haven't started school yet. This could easily have meant I would be bored out of my mind, wasting my time on the internet (which I did do a little bit of, I'll admit...) or just aimlessly watching TV. However, I've discovered something about myself...I CANNOT function in an unorganized house. For my whole life I've lived somewhere that was maybe not always clean (sorry Mom) but was organized, so it was still easy to find things even amidst chaos. However, now I'm the "mom" of this house (I don't mean a literal mom yet so everyone calm down) and it's up to me to make sure that things stay tidy and organized. If I don't do something, or tell Jake to do something, it doesn't get done. This may sound like a "well duh" thought to have, but it really hadn't occurred to me until one morning when I came out to the kitchen and shockingly...the dishes were still sitting in the sink where I'd put them the night before.

So basically, this week has been spent creating a kitchen that I can function in. With classes starting on Monday my time is going to be a lot more consumed with reading and writing and all that good stuff than it is right now, so I've been scrambling to get things somewhat in order before the madness sets in. As of right now, the one room that I have (for now) finished organizing is our kitchen. 

Thanks to Pinterest (my addiction can actually be useful) I've found some awesome ways to maximize the storage capabilities of our itty bitty kitchen.

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